Celebrity and Style


Recently, along one of my daily jaunts through various fashion websites and blogs, I began to contemplate the reason why the realm of Hollywood celebrities seems so incredibly tied to the fashion industry. At first it seemed like an obvious relationship. However, I quickly realized that there is more to the liaison than merely a correlation. If you’re famous, you do not suddenly become fashionable or known for your style. The Kardashian trend of reality TV star to fashion icon is more complex than the fact that some celebrities can financially support a small country.
In many ways, celebrities are walking advertisements and/or martinets for those in charge of the fashion industry. Due to the intense celebration and popularization of their profession and life styles, celebrities are simply seen more by the general population. Think about it- you’ve probably seen more of the actor or actress who stars in your favorite television show than your own neighbor. This constant presence in your everyday life has more of an impact on your fashion sense than you probably care to realize. It could be considered a very legal form of subliminal messaging.
Celebrities and reality TV stars are told what to wear to get the most attention from the public and are even given garments and products for the small fee of espousing the designs house’s praise wherever they go. Celebrities are given clothing and their sense of fashion the same way they’re given lines. Yes, they can improvise sometimes, but not without risk to their career and even their personal lives. Though a few of today’s youthful celebrities, namely Shailene Woodley and Jennifer Lawrence, claim to reject fashion on their personal time, it surprises me that more aren’t taking the path of sartorial rebellion. If someone were to constantly tell me what to wear and how to wear it, I would jump at the first chance to take control over what I put on my back.